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  • What makes Feldenkrais different?

Feldenkrais is all about attention to the quality of your movement rather than pushing to the end of your range or performing a certain number of repetitions. There’s no standard you have to achieve and no demonstration of the right way to move (which is also why it lends itself to online classes). Instead you are encouraged to explore different options and pay attention to your comfort and gradually old habits of movement and of thinking are deconstructed and replaced with new ones.

  • Can anyone start classes at any time?

Yes, you can start Feldenkrais at any age and you can start attending classes partway through a course.


  • Do I have to wear special clothing or bring anything?

No, as long as your clothing is loose, warm and comfortable. Layers are recommended as you can cool down quite a lot as you relax.


  • How is the lesson content chosen?

I like to explore a particular theme for the duration of a course, 5 - 7 weeks. Generally they inform or lead up to a workshop theme. I also love to take requests.

It’s important to know that the effects of a lesson are felt throughout yourself and there’s no way of knowing which lesson will be particularly relevant to you. As someone said recently ‘I did a workshop about Feet and it had the most amazing effect on my jaw!’


  • Can I take a workshop as a beginner?

Yes, workshops are 3 hours long with short breaks. You might feel energised or spaced-out. It’s great if you can allow yourself time to do not very much afterwards so your nervous system has time to integrate what you’ve learnt.


  • What issues can Feldenkrais improve?

Any number of physical, biomechanical issues, such as arthritis, plantar fasciitis, back pain but also neuromuscular problems, anxiety, self-image issues. Feldenkrais Method® and its combination of movement and mindfulness can help in a range of situations, from helping people with MS, cerebral palsy and Parkinson’s to improving golf swings, riding posture and running style. Classes are relaxed and fun to do – just movement for its own sake in a way that can inspire new ideas and experiences.


  • Do I need a certain level of fitness or mobility to attend my first class?

No, you can attend any class. There are ways of modifying the lesson or the position you are in if you feel any discomfort. If your mobility is seriously affected by a long-term condition and you are in pain I would like to talk to you initially and might suggest we meet for an individual lesson first.


  • I’ve been to a class and loved it but don’t know how to describe my experience to friends! What should I say?

Yes, this is a frequently asked question!

Describe how you felt after the class or maybe during. What was most noticeably different for you? Did you fall taller, more rooted, was it your peripheral vision that was improved, did your voice sound deeperDid you have other curious Alice in Wonderland changes in your self-image? It’s easier to describe your sensations and experience than it is to try to explain how it works.

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